Oracle / PLSQL: GOTO Statement
This Oracle tutorial explains how to use the GOTO statement in Oracle with syntax and examples.
The GOTO statement causes the code to branch to the label after the GOTO statement.
The syntax for the GOTO statement in Oracle/PLSQL consists of two parts - the GOTO statement and the Label Declaration:
GOTO statement
The GOTO statement consists of the GOTO keyword, followed by a label_name.
GOTO label_name;
Label Declaration
The Label Declaration consists of the label_name encapsulated in << >>, followed by at least one statement to execute.
<<label_name>> {...statements...}
- label_name must be unique within the scope of the code.
- There must be at least one statement to execute after the Label Declaration.
Let's look at an Oracle example that uses the GOTO statement.
CREATE OR REPLACE Function FindCourse ( name_in IN varchar2 ) RETURN number IS cnumber number; CURSOR c1 IS SELECT MAX(course_number) FROM courses_tbl WHERE course_name = name_in; BEGIN open c1; fetch c1 into cnumber; IF c1%notfound then GOTO default_number; ELSE GOTO increment_number; END IF; <<default_number>> cnumber := 0; <<increment_number>> cnumber := cnumber + 1; close c1; RETURN cnumber; END;
In this GOTO example, we have created two GOTO statements. The first one is called default_number and the second one is called increment_number.
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